I am going to take a one-time break from my usual posts about my amazing son and write about what's on my mind!
The right to vote and choose our nations leader is one of America's greatest freedoms. Although I love having the right to vote - I HATE elections. People go crazy over their canidates, and you can't even watch the news without wanting to scratch your eyesballs out. I have come to realize that I am a minority in my group of friends, who are all extremely liberal. I don't fault them for their beliefs because they are different than mine and I am lucky enough to have one friend who can laugh with me about the errors of both canidates. However today's lesson learned is not to post your political views on Facebook. OH MY GOD. I have every right to post how I feel of MY page. I could care less about what people I barely know have to say on my page. These people are more than capable of writing their views on their page!
I am more than willing to discuss my views and why I feel the way I do about many issues. I do not support Barack Obama for the following reasons:
1. No matter what he is saying now to get votes, he will raise taxes.
2. I do not believe in government healthcare
3. I am pro-life except for in extreme cases
4. Obama's unflattering associations keep rearing their ugly heads and how many of those can you have before it's no longer a coincidence?
5. Obama is extremely unexperienced to become our nation's top leader
6. He is a good speaker, but when he is upscripted, that is when he begins to speak of things like spreading the wealth (socialism). He can't have a speech in hand to refer to at all times, he needs to be able to think indepedent of a teleprompter.
7. He wants to decrease national defense funds. Really? How vunerable does that make our country look in a time or war and what message does that send to our troops?
There are many more reasons but all I'm doing is winding myself up before I need to go to bed. How you vote is your choice. My choice is McCain/Palin.
1 comment:
I am so glad you joined the blog-sphere! I am looking forward to yours and Megs debate I think it will be wonderful:)Cheers to civil duty!
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